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Tervetuloa rekisteröitymään Friendica instanssille. Instanssi on nyt testivaiheessa, joten palvelussa voi olla pieniä katkoksia ajoittain. Suuremmista katkoksista pyrin kertomaan instanssilla. Huomioithan instanssin säännöt ja periaatteet

Perseilijät ja pahantekijät suljetaan pois instanssilta herkällä kynnyksellä.

Olet tervetullut!

AlderForrest - instanssin perustaja ja yläpitäjä


Welcome to register for Friendica instance. The instance is currently in the testing phase, so there may be some minor interruptions in the service from time to time. I will try to report any major outages on the instance. Please note the rules and policies of the instance

Assholes and malicious people will be excluded from the instance with a sensitive threshold.

You are welcome!

AlderForrest - founder and admin of the instance

You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking "Register". Jos OpenID ei ole tuttu, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi.
Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be "".
Lisää profiilisi jäsenluetteloon?



At the time of registration, and for providing communications between the user account and their contacts, the user has to provide a display name (pen name), an username (nickname) and a working email address. The names will be accessible on the profile page of the account by any visitor of the page, even if other profile details are not displayed. The email address will only be used to send the user notifications about interactions, but wont be visibly displayed. The listing of an account in the node's user directory or the global user directory is optional and can be controlled in the user settings, it is not necessary for communication.

This data is required for communication and is passed on to the nodes of the communication partners and is stored there. Users can enter additional private data that may be transmitted to the communication partners accounts.

At any point in time a logged in user can export their account data from the account settings. If the user wants to delete their account they can do so at The deletion of the account will be permanent. Deletion of the data will also be requested from the nodes of the communication partners.


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